Preparing for Winter Expenses

Cooler days and earlier evenings have made their way to Michigan. Soon employees will be wearing coats, boots, and holding their mugs of coffee to stay toasty warm. With winter around the corner, space heaters will be turned on under the desk, and thermostats cranked up. This means an increase in heating expenses for all businesses. Now is the best time to be reviewing utility bills to make any necessary correction before the bills begin to increase. In December and January, it will be too late!

To prepare for an increase in winter heating expenses, ask yourself these three questions.

  1.  Are you purchasing gas from the utility or a supplier? Is the supplier less than the utility?
  2. Does your natural gas rate line up with the amount of gas you consume?
  3. Are there estimated meter readings on your bill?

If you answered yes to any of these questions or were not sure, we’re here to help. A business can never be too prepared for winter expenses. Let’s conduct a utility audit and help you do more and spend less. Simply call 1-844-836-8749 or fill out our quick contact form.

Other helpful posts for business and organizations looking to save money on their utility expenses: