Case Studies the results don’t lie Case Studies filter by Industry-Facet Select contentIndustryBusinessBusiness solutionChamber of CommerceConsultingEducationHealthcareJAMALarge CommercialLarge Commercial – ManufacturingManufacturing Case Study Tags Select contentTagsAT&TBilling ErrorContract Review and NegotiationCreditsDemand ManagementEconomic CompetitivenessInflated RatesJAMAMichigan Chamber of CommerceOngoing Audit Process Date Serach Date Clear clear filters Michigan Chamber of CommerceTenurgy is committed to helping businesses significantly reduce their utility and telecommunications...READ THE ARTICLEThe Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA)The Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA) is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers...READ THE ARTICLEJackson National LifeOverview Jackson National Life Insurance is known for being operationally efficient. As...READ THE ARTICLEDetroit Country DayOverview Detroit Country Day School has been a trusted school community for...READ THE ARTICLEEdw. C. LevyOverview Edw. C. Levy Co. started with a single truck in 1918...READ THE ARTICLEDeWysOverview When DeWys Manufacturing was looking to have a utility audit performed,...READ THE ARTICLEMann+HummelOverview Mann+Hummel first learned of Tenurgy’s utility auditing services through the Michigan...READ THE ARTICLESchool Systems Overview In the past 10 years, over 200 school districts have...READ THE ARTICLELapeer County Medical Care FacilityUnderstanding Usage After rolling up our sleeves and digging in the trenches...READ THE ARTICLEFord FieldOverview Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions, came to Tenurgy looking...READ THE ARTICLEDelta Dental of MichiganOverview Delta Dental of Michigan, a Lansing based insurance company, was introduced...READ THE ARTICLEHenry Ford CollegeOverview Henry Ford College was excited to work with Tenurgy on lowering...READ THE ARTICLEChesapeake SpiceOverview Chesapeake Spice, a food processing company with locations on the east...READ THE ARTICLEChassix, Inc.Overview Driven by the need to be more economically competitive Chassix Inc...READ THE ARTICLE what are you waiting for? Let’s Save You Some Money. contact book consult
Michigan Chamber of CommerceTenurgy is committed to helping businesses significantly reduce their utility and telecommunications...READ THE ARTICLE
The Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA)The Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA) is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers...READ THE ARTICLE
Jackson National LifeOverview Jackson National Life Insurance is known for being operationally efficient. As...READ THE ARTICLE
Detroit Country DayOverview Detroit Country Day School has been a trusted school community for...READ THE ARTICLE
DeWysOverview When DeWys Manufacturing was looking to have a utility audit performed,...READ THE ARTICLE
Mann+HummelOverview Mann+Hummel first learned of Tenurgy’s utility auditing services through the Michigan...READ THE ARTICLE
Lapeer County Medical Care FacilityUnderstanding Usage After rolling up our sleeves and digging in the trenches...READ THE ARTICLE
Delta Dental of MichiganOverview Delta Dental of Michigan, a Lansing based insurance company, was introduced...READ THE ARTICLE
Henry Ford CollegeOverview Henry Ford College was excited to work with Tenurgy on lowering...READ THE ARTICLE
Chesapeake SpiceOverview Chesapeake Spice, a food processing company with locations on the east...READ THE ARTICLE
Chassix, Inc.Overview Driven by the need to be more economically competitive Chassix Inc...READ THE ARTICLE