Olon Industries

To Whom it May Concern:

Utility auditing and oversight are a specialized fields and Tenurgy is first in class. Tenurgy’s auditing services ensured we were getting the best rates at the lowest costs and not being overcharged. Tenurgy’s expertise and knowledgeable staff have helped Olon Industries secure over $40.000 in refunds and costs savings by auditing bills, verifying meters, recovering overcharges, and negotiating improved We had nothing to lose by hiring Tenurgy. Tenurgy is only remunerated based on actual savings that are realized by its clients. Engaging Tenurgy allowed us to take a comprehensive look at our utilities at four locations. We were able to benefit through ongoing cost savings, thanks to reduced utility rates.

It would have taken a tremendous amount of staff time for us to audit the utilities ourselves, and we would not have discovered all of the overcharges and potential savings that Tenurgy found. Tenurgy has a wealth of knowledge to parse out the billing errors and follow up to ensure our accounts received significant refunds and additional savings. Once we executed a letter of authorization, a consulting service agreement, and one month’s billings, Tenurgy was off and running. Working with Tenurgy was a great business decision. It took very little of our staff’s time and resulted in significant savings. I highly recommend Tenurgy’s utility auditing services.


Frank Guratzsch

Operations Manager