Getting a school district ready for students each year is a full time year-round job. Many administrators say they Wear Too Many Hats and can often be found performing tasks like:
- Evaluating Curriculum
- Recruit, Hire, and Train Staff
- Communicate with Families and the District
- Meet with Local, State, and Federal Agencies
- Monitor Financial Affairs like Budgets, Purchasing, and Utilities
Administrators know that attention to detail can make a huge difference in how well a district operates. At Tenurgy, we pay attention to the details on your utility bills! Our utility bill audits have successfully helped over 200 schools realize annual savings upwards of $100,000.
What Administrators like about Tenurgy?
- Different from an Energy Audit – We are not looking to cut consumption or sell you new equipment.
- No Upfront Cost – Tenurgy’s report is provided with no upfront cost and we are ONLY compensated when the district realizes savings.
- Hassle Free Process – Our audits are performed using one month’s worth of bills and are performed offsite.